America’s Willful Negligence Concerning the 9/11 Attacks
Joe Giambrone
September 11, 2017
Since December 2002, at the latest, it became glaringly obvious that certain individuals in the US government had lied about how the 9/11 attacks had come to be. When the Bush administration censored the official congressional investigation, the “Joint Inquiry” into the attacks, notably the 28-page section on foreign state funding to the named hijackers, its legitimacy crumbled.
With that first 9/11 investigation redacted and numerous questions outstanding, the attack victims’ families pressed for a second investigation, later to be known as the “9/11 Commission.” Key findings of this Commission were false — or falsified — as those now released “28 pages” show.
The public evidence against the Saudis is partial and wasn’t followed-up on, indicating internal pressures both before and after the attacks.
“One reason for the limited understanding is that it was only after September 11 that the U.S. Government began to aggressively investigate this issue. Prior to September 11th, the FBI apparently did not focus investigative resources on [REDACTED] Saudi nationals in the United States due to Saudi Arabia’s status as an American ‘ally.’”
-Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11th, 2001, p.415
Senator Bob Graham, its primary author, has complained vociferously in the years since. The BBC revealed a White House document telling US law enforcement to avoid investigating the Saudis, soon after the Bush administration seized power in January, 2001.
“After the elections, the agencies were told to ‘back off’ investigating the Bin Ladens and Saudi royals, and that angered agents.”
-Greg Palast, BBC Newsnight, November 6, 2001
The evidence of government malfeasance around the 9/11 attacks is not theoretical. The Joint Inquiry implicates Saudi agents who aided several of the named hijackers inside the US. They are Omar al Bayoumi, Osama Bassnan, Shaykh al-Thumairy, Saleh al-Hussayen, and Abdullah bin Laden, the brother of Osama! Prince Bandar bin Sultan, “Bandar Bush,” is also named throughout the report and supplied money to those named individuals. Further redactions plague the current version of the Joint Inquiry report, which could potentially implicate others.
They all walked free, while 2,996 civilians perished in the attacks and another 6,000 were wounded. Over 4,000 first responders have contracted cancer since, due to the toxic environment of the aftermath.
The 28 pages are a starting point, not the end. In 2005 (three years later), the CIA Inspector General, under pressure, released another damning report:
“[Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar] were among the hijackers of 9/11, were known by the [CIA] in early January 2000 to have traveled to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to participate in a meeting of suspected terrorists… In January 2000, CTC officers received information that one of these suspected terrorists had a US visa; in March 2000, these officers had information that the other had flown from Bangcock to Los Angeles. In the period January through Mrach 2000, some 50 to 60 individuals read one or more of six Agency cables containing travel information related to these terrorists. (emphasis added)”
-CIA Office of Inspector General Report, 2005, page xiii/xiv
The controversy concerns what the CIA prefers to call “information sharing” (with FBI), but the Counterterrorism Advisor to the White House, Richard Clarke, has described this as CIA deliberately hiding vital information from his office and from the FBI.
“Unless someone intervened to stop the normal automatic distribution, I would automatically get it… There was not a lack of information sharing. They told us everything — except this. (emphasis added)”
-Richard Clarke, Terror “Czar,” 1992–2003
Clarke was the highest counterterrorism official in America on 9/11. When he accused George Tenet of hiding the terrorists from him and his staff the corporate media went silent, rather than investigating these leads. The CIA denied everything and still clings to its mistakes-were-madestory. The CIA’s official “incompetence” story has all the key incompetents promoted rather than fired.
Several FBI agents desperate to prevent 9/11 also had direct dealings with CIA operatives. An FBI liason to the CIA’s Counter-Terrorism Center (CTC), Doug Miller, drafted a memo to alert the FBI about Hazmi and Midhar coming to America, but a CIA superior blocked that cable from ever being sent.
“You follow terrorists halfway around the God damned globe. You find out they have visas on their passport, and you don’t tell the FBI?”
-FBI Agent Mark Rossini
Beyond the CIA’s obstruction of justice and arguably aiding and abetting terrorists — which would be Treason — the NSA also prevented its surveillance of Al Qaeda phone calls from ever reaching the US FBI agents on the case.
“Between 2000 and 2001, as many as twenty calls were made between Hazmi and Midhar and a known Al Qaeda number in Yemen. The NSA never distributed this information to the FBI.”
-Author Lawrence Wright, The New Yorker
Enough deliberate obstruction allowed the 9/11 attacks to succeed that it is shocking how Americans remain apathetic, complacent, and willfully ignorant of the known facts, nevermind the unknown story, which remains covered-up. A Florida court is currently hiding 80,000 pages of FBI surveillance of a mansion owned by a Saudi family connected to the hijackers.
To be clear, these are 80k pages that were never seen by the House of Representatives or Senate to formulate their Joint Inquiry into 9/11. They were never seen by the 9/11 Commission, a supposedly independent body that was actually stuffed with conflicts of interest and insiders.
Multiple hijackers visited this Sarasota mansion, and yet for some reason the FBI has lied about their investigation of it. The record remains classified to this day.
So many clear red flags poke out of the official 9/11 story, and yet the American people largely prefer comfortable myths to hard truths. The propaganda has gotten so thick that you can now read op-eds on CNN with absurd headlines like, “This congressional act [JASTA] threatens US national security.” The author happened to be a Saudi, of course, but more importantly, Nawaf Obaid “previously was special adviser to Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal.”
Who is Turki Al Faisal?
Only the head of Saudi intelligence, the key man in the arrangement between that Kingdom and Osama bin Laden! CNN should be investigating the many links between Turki Al Faisal and Al Qaeda, not giving Faisal’s lackey free reign to mislead the American public.
The 2002 Congressional 9/11 investigation was declassified in 2016, after it had been officially covered-up for fourteen years. During that time the US population swallowed the Big Lie. Then it went back to sleep.
The public simply accepted myths and ignored facts, particularly the fact of deliberate cover-up of Saudi official complicity in the attacks. Such a cover-up is Treason under the US Constitution, which has since become a dead letter.
We entered the Age of Treason on the morning of September 11th, 2001, and that crime has continued in broad daylight under three presidents. Hiding the fact of Saudi Arabian state complicity into an attack on America is “aid and comfort” to the enemy. Specific US officials should be arrested and tried, still. The Saudi regime should be rightly considered the enemy of the people of the United States today, as well as others.
Given these realities, one would still be hard-pressed to locate a single American citizen who actually read the 28 pages that prove Saudi complicity in the greatest attack on America since Pearl Harbor — if not ever. When historians recount the fall of America, they will need to acknowledge the deliberate willful ignorance of the population in allowing it to happen.
The America we find ourselves in today is divided and conquered. It is in the interest of the people who wield power: money, media, industry, to provoke the common people into shouting about partisan politics and ignoring the workings of the deep state. Issues like 9/11 Treason are brushed aside in favor of ten-thousand more trivial things, such as whatever Donald Trump last Tweeted.
The people have become negligent, uninformed and overtly hostile to facts that challenge the dominant myths they have swallowed. That is the crux of the game, an information war of attrition. Propaganda resonates subtly across layers of society, like skins of an onion. Regular people are compelled by social pressures to either accept the dominant myth of 9/11 and other government controversies labeled “conspiracy theories,” or to shut up to avoid hostility and ridicule.
The truth of matters like war and peace, terror attacks and covert operations no longer interest the general public enough to invest time into understanding them. Ignorance won. The public has been conditioned to look to their cell phones and to their corporate talking heads, who provide them all the understanding required of cogs in a machine. That machine is empire, a belligerent state of perpetual warfare divorced from legal or moral restraint.
When the facts of international provocations no longer interest the people who can restrain the empire, then the elites in charge have gained a free hand to attack the next targets on their hit list. Since 9/11, we have seen US aggression and destabilization of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Venezuela, Somalia, and ongoing threats against North Korea, China and most dangerously: Russia.
Those are only the most obvious examples, while in the shadows the US military sent its Special Forces into 138 countries. It created AFRICOM to apply force to uncooperative African nations.
By what right?
The September 11th attacks provide a blanket, perpetual cassus belli for Washington to target smaller nations around the globe on the pretext that those have some amorphous connection to “terror.” That was the motive for the 9/11 attacks. It was premeditated and admitted to in the Project For a New American Century document “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” Some key people wanted it, and they committed Treason to get it, and to keep it covered up.
One cannot “rebuild” America’s defenses unless those defenses have somehow failed. That failure was engineered to be “a catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a New Pearl Harbor.” Far from a “failure,” however, the 9/11 attacks proved to be a rousing success for those invested in the Military-Industrial-Complex. US military spending more than doubled in the subsequent years, from $301.7B in 2000, when their manifesto was written, to more than $711B at its peak in 2011. The military budget dwarfs all other areas of US government spending, and it is where America’s wealth is redirected.
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Joe Giambrone
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“Improving Intelligence,” PBS Newshour, December 11, 2002, Senator Bob Graham,
“Questions about Al Qaeda and State Sponsored Terrorism,” Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Independent Commission, website, July 2003,
Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11th, 2001, p.415,
Bob Graham & Sharon Pemoli, “Re-Open the 9/11 Investigation Now,” Huffington Post, September 11, 2012,
Greg Palast, BBC Newsnight, November 6, 2001,
“Casualties of the September 11 attacks,” Wikipedia,
Richard Clarke, “Interview #07 (Washington, DC),” FF4Films, “Who is Rich Blee?” August 11, 2011, Youtube,
CIA Office of Inspector General Report on CIA Accountability…, June 2005, page xiii/xiv, Central Intelligence Agency,
“The Agent: What did the C.I.A. know about the 9/11 hijackers — before 9/11?,” The New Yorker, February 16, 2016,
Dan Christensen and Anthony Summers, “New 9/11 records offer tantalizing puzzle pieces” Miami Herald, July 1, 2014,
Philip Shenon, “Conflict of Interest: Philip Zelikow and the 9/11 Commission,” After Words, C-SPAN, March 4, 2008,
Michael Pollick, “Sarasota family had ‘many connections’ to 9/11 terror attacks,” Herald-Tribune, April 16, 2013,
“Context of ‘May 1996: Saudis and Al-Qaeda Allegedly Strike a Secret Deal’,” Complete 9/11 Timeline, History Commons,
Wesley Clark, March 2007, DemocracyNow, “General Wesley Clark: Wars Were Planned — Seven Countries In Five Years”, Youtube, posted September 11, 2011, FacelesswithEyesOpen,
Nick Turse, “American Special Ops Forces Have Deployed to 70 Percent of the World’s Countries in 2017,” The Nation, June 26, 2017,
“Project for the New American Century,” Wikipedia,
“U.S. military spending from 2000 to 2016 (in billion U.S. Dollars),” Statista, The Statistics Portal,