Attacked by Idiotic Fucking #Facebook-Part 2
Facebook is now censoring what the Nazis did, what they admitted to, and what current-day Nazis are also doing.
My account has been repeatedly frozen for basic modern History 101 stuff. The brain-dead morons who control content there are essentially helping the rise of fascism, whether through ignorance or through intent.
My money is on them being some of the most stupid individuals you’re likely to meet, badly programmed human robots.
So, now the rise of fascism is off-limits there. You will be directly attacked, your account frozen, and then kicked off permanently for basically telling people what they should have learned in high school.
The American president has over 6,000 lies chronicled, many of them repetitive and belligerent attacks on groups. That is the Big Lie principle, something that is verboten at Zuckerberg’s little empire of shitheads.
A massive list of ex-friends popped up simultaneously, from Facebook Purity. It looks like FB purged more than a hundred people from my account simultaneously as it suspended it. The odds of so many all deciding to unfriend me at the same moment makes it implausible. This happened the first time the account was frozen too, but I didn’t bother mentioning it.
That website attacks dissidents, in this case, dissidents fighting against Naziism and for the truth. That is a major fucking problem.