Brainwashed Public Understands Nothing About 9/11

Political Film Blog
3 min readSep 11, 2018


WTC 7 never hit by a plane but somehow mysteriously imploded into its own footprint.

Joe Giambrone
September 10, 2018

They let it happen on purpose to usher in an age of perpetual war, perpetual profits, a global military empire to control the world’s diminishing natural resources. They wrote about it a year prior in the Project for a New American Century’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” You can only rebuild something after it fails. Kind of obvious.

Further, foreign governments were implicated in participating in the 9/11 attack. These facts were treasonously covered up. Some of the cover-up has since been made public, particularly the Congressional investigation chapter, those 28 pages on Saudi Arabia giving direct aid to Al Qaeda hijackers inside the USA. Since the Al Qaeda hijacker story is the official story of the event, this is prima facie evidence of high Treason. You cannot give “aid and comfort” to the people who attack your country — but that’s exactly what multiple administrations did. That Al Qaeda cell arrived in San Diego under Bill Clinton’s presidency (March 2000). It was allowed to operate freely for the next 16 months despite being known to more than 50 CIA officers.

Multiple countries and multiple intelligence agencies knew all about the plan, but they let it happen anyway. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, the US, and Israel all had knowledge of the 9/11 plot but did not act to prevent it.

Israeli agents were arrested on the afternoon of 9/11 after calling attention to themselves by celebrating so jubilantly when the World Trade Center was attacked that they prompted FBI alerts to catch them. One of the Mossad agents, Sivan Kurzberg appeared in photos, developed by the FBI, holding up a cigarette lighter with the burning WTC in the background.

Urban Moving Systems, the intelligence front company where the Mossad agents operated, closed up and its owner fled to Israel rather than be interviewed by the FBI. It has never been made clear exactly what “Urban Moving Systems” was moving, but a lone dog barked as if traces of explosives had been found in that van the men were driving.

(By the way, Google search is today monkeying the results for History Commons, providing every other tangential link but not showing the Complete 9/11 Timeline in its results. That is a form of censorship, and it has happened before. Google censors that website from its results.)

The best evidence to date suggests that some of them let it happen, while others made it happen. Some were duped, and most are still duped. The reason for 9/11, the motive, is very clear. They wanted an unrestrained empire that destroys its enemy countries with impunity and seizes resources for its corporate owners. That part is not complicated. The 9/11 attacks also worked wonders to turn the world’s greatest bully into a victim deserving of sympathy and understanding. This propaganda victory was staggering. The 9/11 attack was also a “Reichstag Fire” moment, with emergency powers granted in the “PATRIOT ACT” (sic) to allow the federal government to seize more power and diminish civil liberties.

Treason matters.

“In the decade following Sept. 11, 2001, military spending increased 50 percent, adjusted for inflation.”
-National Priorities Project

General Wesley Clark: US green light to attack 7 countries in 5 years.

Political Film Blog



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