Democratic Party Exposed as Fraud #ForceTheVote

Political Film Blog
4 min readDec 30, 2020


Joe Giambrone

Stand-Up Comedian Jimmy Dore, from his homemade garage studio, has shown America that the so-called “progressive wing” of the Democratic (sic) Party is another lying, deceiving, useless, counter-productive fraud. Not one elected, self-proclaimed “Progressive” will lift a finger to challenge Nancy Pelosi and her stranglehold on America’s legislative agenda. Not even one will demand a vote for universal medicine in the middle of the greatest pandemic in U.S. history. Those congress people pretend to be “representatives” standing up for common citizens–our only chance at some influence in that cesspool that is Washington D.C.–but this conflict has revealed their duplicity.

If you are not aware, the issue concerns pressuring Speaker Pelosi to bring Medicare For All (#M4A) to the House of Representatives Floor for a vote. Should Pelosi continue to refuse to allow a vote on it, then self-proclaimed “Progressives” in the House do have the power right now to deny her their individual votes for House Speaker 2021. Pelosi will be humiliated in front of the world, and the House of Reps will scramble for another–perhaps less corrupt–member to become next Speaker. This window of leverage comes rarely, but it is here now for about one week. After that the war is lost, and America will likely never join the civilized world and guarantee medicine for its population. House “Progressives” have not only rejected the idea of pressuring Pelosi in any way, but they have gone on the offensive to attack U.S. citizens like Jimmy Dore, who dare to demand a sane national healthcare policy.

This political rift clearly shows those “Progressives” to be nothing more than cover, smokescreen, bait-and-switch fraud. They claim to want something that they will do absolutely nothing to make happen when given the opportunity on a silver platter. If a handful, perhaps five or fewer, simply told Pelosi to put up or lose her Speakership, then it would happen. So far, not one of them will actually act in the public’s interest.

Who do they actually represent?

It should be obvious by now that Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic (sic) Party machine remain in power because they launder bribe money. That is their only value, their only purpose. The political parties are money-laundering operations, which provide a veneer of legitimacy to a glaringly illegitimate plutocracy. The one-percent of the one-percent determine policy at the national level, and their puppets in the Congress act in the interests of the donor class against the interests of the working class.

A particularly shameful performance was witnessed from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez when she flipped her position. She has directly opposed a vote on Medicare For All on the floor of the House–even while continuing to pretend she’s for it–concocting excuses for not doing it now when it’s actually feasible. Jimmy Dore has shown her on video repeatedly contradicting her own previous statements. It became clear quite rapidly that AOC’s objection was not genuine but a deceitful distraction and therefore a major, deliberate lie. Welcome to the club, AOC. The financials can be worked out if the Congress actually is pressured into supporting it — you know, with the ongoing giant mass death event called “Coronavirus.”

The Democratic (sic) Party continues to do everything in its power to deny Americans universal health coverage even though multiple studies (including one by the Koch Brothers!) determined that Medicare For All would save America hundreds of billions of dollars per year, every year. It would also make working people’s lives more secure and less strained. This is why the entire rest of the industrial world provides universal coverage to secure the health of its people. It’s a win-win, except for industrialists who simply want to attack their own workers, keep them desperate and scrambling, and maintain leverage over their jobs so that their underlings’ medical care is tied directly to employment status. This is a class war, and my class is losing. All this background is obvious and old news. What is new is the opportunity to do something about it right now in the House of Representatives, if only America actually had representation.

The conflict sparked when a man named Mark Pocan was interviewed because he is the nominal head of the “Progressive Caucus” in the House of Reps. Pocan refused to act in any way to move M4A toward a vote. Instead, he provided the expected talking points about how nothing could be done and that we were not qualified to even speak about it. This elitism strategy, the leave-it-to-the-experts strategy, was pushed by AOC as well, in her attack on Jimmy Dore and current M4A activists. The dishonesty of these gatekeepers, these bouncers keeping working families and their concerns out of the halls of Congress, has become obvious to even the most oblivious.

If you are one of more than 14 million Americans who recently lost employer-controlled medical coverage in the middle of the Coronavirus epidemic, or if you never had it in the first place, then there is a place to vent your anger right now. Call up Congress. Call up “Progressives” and their caucus. Tweet it. Post it to Facebook. Make some noise. It’s now or never.

Then head on over to the Movement for a People’s Party, and see what they have to say.

Rep. Mark Pocan: 202–225–2906

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Congressional Progressive Caucus (lol)

Joe Giambrone is an American author and artist.



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Political Film Blog

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