Exclusive: Ex-CIA Officer John Kiriakou Stands Up for 9/11 Truth

Political Film Blog
3 min readApr 13, 2016


John Kiriakou, CIA Whistleblower

by Joe Giambrone
Political Film Blog

Many may know John Kiriakou as the only CIA employee who saw the inside of a jail cell as a result of the extensive torture conspiracy. Only, Kiriakou was imprisoned for exposing it to the public, not for participating in it. This miscarriage of justice was sickening at the time and widely reported. But inside the belly of the beast, Kiriakou was much more involved in the CIA’s so-called “War on Terrorism” than many may have realized.

Paul Jay and The Real News just produced a must-see 10-part interviewwith Kiriakou, from his home, where he remained under house arrest — an American political prisoner.

What caught my attention was the name Abu Zubaydah (or Zubaida). Kiriakou was the guy who actually captured Zubaydah in Pakistan. Zubaydah has been a glaring red flag in the government’s 9/11 story since his capture. My first email to Kiriakou explains a few of the reasons why:

Subject: Abu Zubaydah

It doesn’t seem like you were in on these revelations, but Zubaydah was reported to have linked Al Qaeda directly to the Saudi and Pakistani governments. Moussaoui did likewise. The cover-up of 9/11 is all about this link to Saudi government officials who allegedly helped the hijackers in the US. That makes the cover-up of the 28 pages (and more) high Treason. Comment?

It is my view that the CIA snatched Zubaydah from FBI and tortured him in order to shut him up, and not to get information. We have heard nothing further publicly from Mr. Zubaydah since. Have we?


“Zubaida expresses great relief at [believing he was in Saudi Arabian custody] and, under the influence of the “truth serum” sodium pentothal, tells his interrogators to call Prince Ahmed bin Salman, a nephew of the Saudi king. He provides telephone numbers from memory and says, he will tell you what to do. He proceeds to give more information and phone numbers, claiming ties with higher-ups in both the Saudi and Pakistani governments. He also names:

Pakistani Air Force chief Mushaf Ali Mir, who is said to be closely tied to the fundamentalists in the ISI.

Saudi Intelligence Minister Prince Turki al-Faisal.

Prince Sultan bin Faisal, another nephew of the Saudi King.

Prince Fahd bin Turki, another member of the Saudi royalty.

9/11 Rosetta Stone?

According to [Gerald] Posner, Zubaida claims that all of these people were intermediaries he dealt with in the frequent transfer of money to al-Qaeda. The phone numbers and other details he provides are consistent with information already known by US intelligence. Zubaida then lays out many secrets about the 9/11 attacks. One unnamed investigator will later call them The Rosetta Stone of 9/11.”

To my surprise, Kiriakou responded, and quite candidly. Here is his statement, which he gave me permission to publish:

Subject Re: John Kiriakou “Abu Zubaydah”

Dear Joe,

You raise a lot of good and very important questions.

I’ve come to the conclusion that because virtually everything the CIA has told the American people since 9/11 has been a lie, there is no reason to believe anything else they tell us.

I, for one, believe that every American has the right to know exactly what is on those 28 pages. I’ve not seen them, but I believe they are about Saudi government culpability in the attacks. But I doubt that any of our elected officials have the guts to tell us.

All the best,


How many others in the government know this quite well, but are unable to speak out on it due to the retribution that would inevitably come from simply telling the truth? The government’s persecution of whistleblowers is another lever of power, which allows official conspiracies to occur, and even to thrive.




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